The Garden at Winterhaven Devas Nature Spirits and Fairies Oh my
Roses, everyone's sentimental favorite. I grow them because I remember the huge bed of roses that my father grew in his garden when I was little. I love the smell of them and the look of them.

Sunset Rose
Sunset Celebration Rose

However here in The Garden at Winterhaven roses are a bit of a challenge. Between the rainy weather, my poor soil and the deer, there are years when my rose bushes aren't very pretty at all. But I always get a few roses and that keeps me going.

I use bars of Irish Spring soap hung on baling wire to repel the deer. It works so so but better than anything else I've tried. The bars last a couple of years if you remember to bring them in for the winter.

Othello Rose
Othello David Austin Rose

My favorite rose is the David Austen Rose, Othello. It has lots of big thorns and tends to get very tall which seems to deter the deer. I surrendered to it's desires to grow UP and moved it next to a trellis so it has something to climb. It produces wonderful smelling gorgeous roses. The only hitch is that if it rains as the buds are opening, they mummify rather than open.

Another favorite is the Bill Warriner rose. It's a floribunda and produces wonderfully scented peach colored roses.